Thursday, March 5, 2020

Star Wars - The English Listening Exercise

Star Wars - The English Listening Exercise I cant even believe Ive waited this long to create a Star Wars The Force Awakens listening exercise. The movie will begin showing on December 18 in the United States.Star Wars and E.T. are the earliest movies I remember from my childhood. I especially remember liking The Empire Strikes Back. When I got older and watched them again, I honestly didnt find them to be such great movies, and I havent been impressed with any of the new ones so far. But, I have to admit, the trailers for The Force Awakens look really good. Ill probably go see it in the theatres once the crowds thin out. Which could be February, the way things are going.Anyhow, weve got both of the trailers for the new film below, each followed by a few listening questions. Answer the questions in comments, and well respond.Answer the questions below in comment and well respond.What role do you think the female character in at the beginning will play?Nothing will ___ in our ___.What does the above phrasal verb mean?What phr asal verb is used the the last sentence? What does it mean?From watching this trailer, write a few sentences describing what the movie will be about.What do you learn in the opening scene, before there is any speaking? Youll only know the answer if youve seen Star Wars before.What else about the movie do you learn from this trailer?What do you think Han Solo is referring to at the end when he says Were home.What does Chewbacca say at the end? Just kidding, we dont teach Shyriiwook. ??Ok, we hope you enjoyed this Star Wars English listening exercise. Please contact us in comments if you have any suggestions for future exercises, or questions. Also, if youre interested in live English classes with native speakers, click here.

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